February 2, 2022

Esports Federation Cambodia – IESF’s Member Nation

To succeed in our mission to create a united World Esport we need really big support and the biggest support we get is from our 111 Member nations, national federations from all around the world!

It’s really important to show you who are our Member Nations!

Today we are presenting the Esports Federation Cambodia!

When did you founded the federation?

E-Sport federation Cambodia (EFC) was founded in late 2014 in which it was officially recognized by sport authorities, National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

Which games are most played in your country?

Mobile legend, and PUBG mobile as well as local game AK2 are the most played in Cambodia. 

In which games/Esports do you have a representation?

For the last 10 years, local game AK2 has had a presentation in regional tournaments and in recent years, Mobile Legend, League of legends PubG and Dota 2 have a representation.  

What is the average age of the players in the national team?

The average age of the players in the national team is 20 years old.

How would you describe in one word the state of Esports in your country?

Esports are the real sport.

How has the establishment of the federation helped Esports in your country?

It is very important to develop and promote Esports to the next generation through wisdom, value of humanity, education, culture, unity, and peace and intellectuality of youth and athletes. Only EFC is representative of Cambodian locally and internationally in tournaments and all images.  

In what ways does the federation help Esports in your country?

Federation helps all images of Esports under Cambodia through promotion, education, training and tournament. All activities of Esports are only managed by EFC across the Kingdom of Cambodia as recognized by national sport authorities.

What are your future plans for the federation?

The future plan is to include Esports into Southeast Asian Games (SEA GAMES)  2023 when Cambodian hosts the first event in its history and wants to host the international Esports championship in Cambodia as well as send the national Esports team to international Esports events such Asian Games and Olympic Games.

What is your federation’s biggest achievement? 

The promotion and education of the public to understand what is Esports is the first biggest achievement. Public considers games or Esports to be gambling and a negative view. Game players become real athletes. After we established EFC in 2014, we tried hard to educate and explain it to the public through workshops, conferences, tournaments, exhibitions, etc. The most important thing is that we sent the national team to participate abroad and we got the champion. AK2 Cambodian national team, Secret won the championship of 2015 MATIC (Mission Against Terror International Championship) in China, Never Care won MATIC in 2017 in Malaysia and Clach Ey won MACTIC in 2019 when Cambodia hosted the event. So far much of the public consider and recognize Esports as real sports like others. 

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