August 31, 2022

Everything you need to know about IESF

Do you like esports? Are you curious about esports and how they are taking over the world? Do you believe that esports unite millions of people? 


The International Esports Federation aims to bond the esports world through diversity, unity, integrity, and inclusiveness. What does this actually mean? WE want to provide a chance for anyone, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, or skin tone to become an esports superstar! WE want to create meaningful relationships with all of our communities to truly show the world the power and value of esports. To achieve this, we must break down barriers and typical stereotypes about gamers and turn the narrative. Gamers will no longer be portrayed as ‘lazy’ or ‘dirty’, but rather as healthy, skilled, and motivated individuals who are committed to their craft and are willing to do whatever it takes to WIN!

Way back in the ancient days of 2008, IESF was born. Starting with a humble 9 member nations in 2008, IESF has managed to expand that number to 130+ member nations today! The first ever event hosted by IESF was the “IeSF Challenge” held in 2009. Since then, IESF has hosted more than 13 World Esports Championships and supported numerous regional qualifiers. The ultimate goal is to create more opportunities through bigger and better events each year! 34th World Championships on the Moon, confirmed!

This year IESF will be hosting its 14th World Championships in Bali, Indonesia in the beginning of December. The event will feature 120+ National Federations, 300+ players, spectators, and special guests! Apart from the main annual event, IESF moderates regional qualifiers on every continent throughout the year. Furthermore, IESF is continuously committed to expanding the World Esports family through new members and affiliates. Every year our family grows, which further aids esports to be recognized as a legitimate sport and a force to be reckoned with! Don’t mess with us, because we can 360 no-scope you with ease!

As with many new things, esports needs more time to truly be accepted around the world, but we will soon get there! The future is looking much brighter than it did in the prehistoric days of 2008, and looking ahead we might even see the very first e-lympics! If we keep working hard and together as a community, we will be able to achieve the unimaginable! 


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