December 3, 2021

IESF and Esports World Federation Partner to Strengthen the Development of Esports Worldwide

Busan, South Korea (1 December 2021) – The International Esports Federation (IESF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Esports World Federation (ESWF) to work together on the development and unification of Esports around the world. Stephan Carapiet, Deputy President of ESWF who was appointed as honorary Vice President of IESF will work closely with our team to fulfill our goal. 

The ESWF was founded in 2018 and serves as an umbrella organization of International Federations of electronic sports and digital sports. As a part of the partnership, ESWF will lead the IESF’s new Esports for all Commission, to create a more inclusive World Esports community. 

IESF President, Vlad Marinescu said: “We are thrilled to join forces with ESWF to achieve our common goals. IESF will work with ESWF to provide the best resources to support international Esports players and organizations and continue to promote responsible gaming for the World Esports family. IESF is bringing together all Esports stakeholders to achieve a united ecosystem for the proper development of gaming worldwide. Together, we will help shape the future of Esports.”

ESWF President and Founder, Mr. Arniel Gutierrez  said: “This has become an important moment in the development and unification of our beloved and constantly growing and evolving industry. Inclusion, recognition, collaboration and unification are our main targets and highest priorities. The Recent agreement achieves all these    Objectives in one goal. This is a clear Sign that we can work towards making things happen and achieve great things together. Mabuhay!”

IESF recently hosted its 13th World Championship Finals in Eilat, Israel which saw a record number of nations compete in one of the largest and most geographically diverse editions of the event. IESF also revealed Bali, Indonesia as the future host of the 2022 World Championship Finals.

About the International Esports Federation 

IESF is the unifying body for World Esports. Founded in 2008 by nine-member nations, IESF is currently composed of over 100 Member Federations across five continents. IESF brings together all Esports stakeholders to achieve a united ecosystem for the development of sustainable and responsible gaming worldwide. The IESF Esports World Championship is the biggest multi-sport spectacle of Esports in the world. IESF also organizes the annual Global Esports Executive Summit in order to support the highest standard of Esports governance worldwide. 


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