April 13, 2022

Lebanese Esports and Robotics Federation – IESF’s Member Nation

To succeed in our mission to create a united World Esport we need really big support and the biggest support we get is from our 123 Member nations, national federations from all around the world!

It’s really important to show you who are our Member Nations!

Today we are presenting the Lebanese Esports and Robotics Federation!

When did you founded the federation?

Our new federation was founded in March 2021 licenced by the Ministry of Sports and in 2022 we applied for the LOC and will get the approval next month.

Which games are most played in your country?

Most of the games are well played but the most popular are FIFA, Pubg, and DOTA2.

In which games/Esports do you have a representation?

Since we are still trying to gather all communities of different esports games we cannot tell.

What is the average age of the players in the national team?


How would you describe in one word the state of Esports in your country?

Under construction. 

How has the establishment of the federation helped Esports in your country?

Uniting and representing.

Uniting the communities can be more productive for the esports in Lebanon. For example, in FIFA we had more than 10 people organizing their own tournaments. Now we are trying to bring them all together in one great championship to elect the best of the best. Also, gamers are represented now on both national level and international level.

In what ways does the federation help Esports in your country?

To be honest, during these situations we are not helping a lot because of our resources. We are trying to create chances, organize, and unite the gamers. But at least we are trying to find places, logistics, organize tournaments, and find sponsors. Although we did not succeed with all, we will continue to do our best until the circumstances are better in Lebanon. 

What are your future plans for the federation?

Education, development, and unity. 

  • We must educate everyone about esports, the good side and the bad side, how to benefit the best, and how to keep balance.
  • Developing our staff, gamers, and officials is a priority. We need to have coaches, and referees. We need to have a platform and digital system.
  • United we are stronger. This is what we need to do on our national level, as on the international level. We need to unite because this will give the chance for all athletes to be in the national team and we will have the best representing Lebanon.

This is a long-term process that needs dedication and cooperation from everyone. We will keep moving forward to reach our goals. 

What is your federation’s biggest achievement? 

We still did not have the time to achieve much but I guess focusing on education will be what makes our federation special. And I am sure we can be a great example about how to invest in esports for the best of our athletes. 

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